Is viral content = useful content? 

While CEOs and business leaders spend countless hours crafting carefully worded messages to engage their audience, what grabs all the attention? Yes, viral cat videos. And yes, you read that right. What is wrong and how this happens? Read in this blog post.
Is viral content = useful content? 

Every year it becomes harder and harder to grab a person's attention. How much do people concentrate on short and meaningless videos and how easily do they miss a post with more than 3 paragraphs? While CEOs and business leaders spend countless hours crafting carefully worded messages to engage their audience, what grabs all the attention? Yes, viral cat videos. What is wrong and how this happens?

The rapid and widespread sharing of viral content can lead to tremendous visibility and attention. However, it's essential to remember that the most viral content isn't always the most useful or valuable. In this blog post, we'll explore why the pursuit of virality shouldn't overshadow the importance of creating meaningful and useful content.

Being popular is not enough

The popularity of viral content is often what draws people to it. It's easy to say that if something is widely shared, it must be valuable. However, popularity doesn't necessarily equal to usefulness. Many viral trends are only temporary, relying on current events, fads, or shock value. They capture our attention for a very short moment but often lack substance or lasting impact.

It is only a like

Viral content is all about high engagement metrics such as likes, shares, and comments. While these metrics can be indicative of reach and initial interest, they don't always reflect meaningful engagement or conversion. Many viral posts attract superficial interactions, where users simply click 'like' or 'share' without truly engaging with the content or its message.

Yes, it grabs your attention but what then?

The digital landscape is marked by short attention spans. The content that is viral tends to be brief, easily digestible, and designed to grab attention quickly. While this is effective for grabbing eyeballs, it may not be as good for conveying complex or valuable information. Truly useful content often requires a deeper dive, which might not fit the viral format.

The Clickbait Trap

In order to reach virality different clickbait techniques are being used. Headlines and thumbnails are sensationalized to entice clicks, often leading to disappointment when the content fails to deliver on its promise. Clickbait might result in views, but then trust is lost and the content creator can not be relied on anymore.

Valuable Content Takes Time

Creating genuinely valuable content, whether it's in-depth articles, informative videos, or educational guides, often requires time and effort. It takes so much more than just filming your cat being funny, but also research and expertise to deliver meaningful information. Viral content, on the other hand, often thrives on spontaneity and trends.


So yes, It is really important to remember that viral content is not the same as a valuable one. And of course, your focus should be on the content that serves your audience's needs, educates, entertains, or solves problems. But also, there is some place for those cats with their effortless charm. After all, who can resist the charm of a CEO sharing strategic insights while surrounded by adorable kittens? 🐱

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